Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Piha Sunset

1 comment:

carolyn said...

Dear Geoff and Sarah,
I am in awe of your pictures, Geoff. The current ones are absolutely awesome. What kind of camera do you use?
You know, you could probably having a showing of your photos in an art gallary. Your eye is extremely good, and you seem to catch such wonderful settings. I could see the same thing and it wouldn't look like that.
Do let me know what kind of camera you use. Send the info to your mom and she can pass it on. Of course, I want you to also bottle your talent for me, too. It's not just the camera that makes these pictures so awesome!
Congratulations on having a semister under your belts. Susan tells me how hard you two worked and how busy school kept you, esp. you, Sarah. Not that you weren't busy, too, Geoff...
Be well and keep sharing.
Your cousin,