Friday, May 29, 2009

Mini Golf in the District

So there is a mini-golf course that is on National Park Service land which is not far from the National Mall. (Notice the Washington Monument in the background with the picture of Sarah.) Most people don't know about the course and it is one of DC's "secrets." It's pretty sweet. It was built in the 1920's and only costs $6 a person!

If you actually want to find the course, it is near to the golf course pro-shop on Ohio Drive right before the one-way road that leads to Haines Point in East Potomac Park...if that makes any sense!

If I ever become president, I want this course to be my memorial.

Cherry Blossom Festival

Sarah took these pictures on a chilly morning in early April 2009 at the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC. The house with the columns in the first picture is the Arlington House: Gen. Robert E. Lee's home in Virginia.

Evening on the Tidal Basin

When Sarah and I got back to DC, we went down to the Tidal Basin one evening during the Cherry Blossom Festival.