For a week and a half, we worked on a farm in Central Otago. We worked pretty hard and both had sore muscles at night, but it was a great experience and a lot of fun at times. We planted potatoes, weeded fields of garlic, drove posts into the ground, cracked walnuts, hunted, cooked, and did a whole lot more.
We hunted hares, which are non-native and considered pests in the area. None of the hare was wasted, with all of the meat going to feed the five cats on the farm. Sarah is feeding one of the more athletic cats in the third picture.
One day, a swarm of honey bees descended on the farm. It was enormous and the buzzing was impressively loud. They ended up settling down in the bee hive box that the farmer had set up. He seemed pretty happy that he had new neighbors. I was able to crawl my way under the swarm with the camera to get the fourth picture in this set.